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salam friends! Here is a nice trick how to get revenge from OWNERS and ADMINS and their Chat ROOM and flood them at one time and make an explode.. (For whose got harsh and kicked by theofficials of the room.
Follow these steps: 1~ Login with bombus and join the victim room..
2~Now checked how many owners and admin of the room. For example~ there are two owner with the name nimbuzz2 and nimbuzz1, and one admin with name evil-nimbuzz3.
Notice~ which owners and admins whose login with bombusmods are in the preference.
3~ Now run your browser,opera or uc browser application (by mob or pc), and open 5 tabs on it and in each tab go to the address below~

4~ Now in each tab fill in the blanks with your flood id information
5~ Now in the 1st tab, write the first owner id(miss-nimbuzz1) in the"Target PV in Room"box.Then go to next tab and write the 2nd owner id(evil_nimbuzz2), go to next tab and write the admin id(miss-nimbuzz3

6~ Do ready the next tabs for whose owners andadmins that enter the room as soon as the flood start. Notice: if you have 200 ids flood, put 1 to 50(1-50) in the1st tab, 51 to 100(51-100) in the 2nd tab and 101 to 150(101-150) in the 3rd tab and keep the others for next.
7~ Now every thing is ready. Start the 3 tab toflood at the same time. By this, the room and the owners and admins pvit get flood at on time. Watch as soon as 1 new owner enter the room quickly copy his id name and past in the new tabs that you make them ready before. While flooding , the owners and admins ids get dc and frezz and can't enter the room. that's it :-D enjoyy frndss..!


1~create a fakeroom of locked room by mobile. Example: if you want to HACK a locked room "iran" then create a fake room like iran\. if the name created by some one then again create fakeroomlike \iran and stay in the room. Now minimise the nimbuzz javaapplication.(insony ericsson mobile press and hold special symbolized back button. Then you vil get the minimise option, dont press on end application button. For nokia press and hold special symbolized menu button then u vil get minimise option.
2~now login with anotheridby Bombus and enterthe fakeroomwhich you created. And minimise the Bombus application.
3~ now login with your pidgin or exodas jar with the owneridof the fake room and minimse..
4.now select the minimised nimbuzz java application and leave the fake room and again minimise the nimbuzz java application.
5~ now select the pidgin or exodas jar application that which you logined with the fake roomo wnerid. And then enter to the fake room that you created. Then you must configure ther oom with tick on persist and thenpress on send button.
You wil get new room unlocked message. After that again configure with your desired password. Dont forget totick on persist and password login
Then press send.NOW THE ORIGINAL ROOM PASSWORD CHANGED TO YOUR FAKE ROOM PASSWORD.Now enter to the ORIGINAL LOCKED room by fake room passwordas owner.. enjoy !



easy method to hack any chat room's password.
1~ u have to download & install "MIRANDA".

2.login with ur nimbuzZ ID then bo0kmark any room u want,just enter the ro0m that U bookmarked to be sure that u bookmarkd it corRectly.

3~ Lets say that owner lockd the r0om,
4~ From Miranda just Enable XML consule..

5~then log in with the id which U bo0kmarkd the room..

6~ While u loging in, in XML consule window it wilL show ur bookmarkd rooms with their passwords too..Thats it, n0w u knw bout the password..enjoyy..!



2013~~Nimbuzz Room Hacking 1001% Working Trick, HACK Any Nimbuzz Room With Your Bombus Mode
Here is the another method to hack a nimbuzz chat room

1~Setup login with your bombus then bookmark the target room, dont enter

2~Setup Open another bombus the same id then bookmark target room then enter target room with first bombus

3~Step enter with 2nd bombus and leve repet 10times and change status ofline

4~Setup cut fst bombus use red button

5~Stup make 2nd bombus status online auto join that room check out you are the owner of that room...enjoyyy!



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Created by: Urban_paindoo@nimbuzz.com